Tuesday, August 12, 2014


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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

more air is better
but there's still a certain lack
I had missed these trees
and I can still see the stars
the same stars you see
they're just as bright from down here
but I see them first
and greet the dawn while you sleep
far away from me
I see the same moon you do
these now-cold midnights
we howl at it together
wishing for closeness and warmth

fire and soft kisses
I like to think you hear me
tucked safe into bed
keening out at the dark night
peppered with treetops
and pinpricks of distant light
it is a comfort
to think you are not so far
as all those bright stars

and perhaps one day
my yearning will be enough
to bring me closer
but for now we must subside
on letters and dreams
holding our magnetic hearts


Sunday, July 15, 2012

slowly homeward bound
through the rows we pick our way
moon shines overhead
air chlorophylls my senses
warmth from your hand to my heart

Sunday, July 1, 2012

one day
a man will come along
to love the girl
with honey on her tongue

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Snakes on the Brain

A basilisk exists within the pipes
   who slithers lithely, languid 'til the lack
   of caffeinated substance beckons near
   a silken voice subliminally clear;
Traversing caverns cochleal he speaks,
   a whisper first then crouching to a roar,
   demanding tribute: sacrifice the weak,
   those cells whose sympathy will turn to boor.
As somniatic urges well and crest,
   the serpent's cranial rage is frothed and fed,
   withdrawal from our lifeblood leads to rest;
   the fight begins again 'twixt brain and bed.
At last, one sip, to calm this mood austere;
   An echoed "kill" recoils from my ear.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Flocks of undergrads
Oblivious to traffic
Fill every crosswalk

Monday, January 9, 2012

to walk through a sea-like crowd
parting the currents;
I am awash with thick tides
of dank human musk

Monday, December 26, 2011

'twas the day after
flightless lawn reindeer join sad
deflated santas

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As the wind in the willows and the breeze through the trees
    sing the ending of summer and the memory of spring
all the leaves feel the weight of the world as they fall
    some too early in the season, others falling not at all.
For the staunch in the crowd who remain evergreen
    bodes the promise of a season they can play as they please;
With the whipping of wind and the bowing of branch
    comes the certain comfort knowledge that their leaves won't detach
with the coming of fall and the leaving of spring
    like so many fallen comrades whose deciduous leaves
see them barren and stark in the cold winter funk
    all alone but for squirrels who nest in their trunks.
But those strong tall and piney go soldiering on
    through the swinging of axes and singing of songs;
Past the turkey and gravy they stay much the same,
    always safe there in midair quite verdant and tame.
Once the bells have all rung and the new year's been sung
    and the greenery peeks through the blanket of snow,
lasting verdancy pales in the light of the dales
    fresh and new with their blanket of blossoms and dew.

Ever green are they now, but the blossoming bough
holds more beauty in part due to feelings of heart
made more painfully clear when the coming of year
fills the cycle of death and rebirth with such mirth
that the dry brittle bones crunching milk tea and scones
seem to only enhance the new thrill of the chance
that this beautiful bloom will be evergreen too.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

one-track-mind squirrels
how very focused they are
burying their nuts
Red berries, brown leaves
Mulch pockmarked by nuts ensconced
Safe for the winter

Friday, September 30, 2011

oh, to simply be
at peace within one's own mind;
so calm, yet so bored
we all sit silent
awaiting the news which comes
always too quickly

in Central Park my loves combine
where claymade form and grass entwine
to scupt a golem tall and fair
with sprightly wit and knightly air
to sweep me off my weary feet
and whisk me to the stars at night
where flights of fancy find a seat
amidst the lands of giants' might
where suns and moons swirl unattended
whisper sweetly all is mended
while we both but slumber here
amidst the whirling twirling spheres
we lay suspended sighing so
ignorant of the beast below
the beast within who drives our sight
to fly among the stars at night
with not a word I step aboard
and leave this world of mine behind
I'd give up all I can afford
to fly with you through space and time

Friday, September 16, 2011

passing by fields, earth
seeping in slowly, uplifting
my vegetable soul

Sunday, July 31, 2011

idly ladling
limp-noodled I lay listless
lamenting the loss

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Persimmon shadows
chase lazy lavender clouds
off the horizon