Friday, August 13, 2010

We cannot see love
Nor pain nor joy nor sorrow
We cannot pinpoint
Jealousy or rage; instead
We are left only
To wonder at faint flickerings
Of tongue or cheek.
Emotions are so
Elegantly elusive
Intently we peer
Through eyes, through veils, seeing
Only through a glass, darkly

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why is it that art
And academia are
Not the best of friends?
They both make a lot of sense
And inform one another
But some people just
Can't use both sides of their brains
That sounds quite condescending
What I really mean
Is that between books and bolts,
Brushes and blueprints, only
Corpus callosum
Comes between the bankers,
The painters,
And me.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Six-legged neighbors
Arrive at night silently
Through the front window
Defying gravity they
Traverse the ceiling
To admire my cooking

Fresh crumbs left behind
A tribute for my neighbors
They'll bring their friends tomorrow