Tuesday, August 12, 2014


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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

more air is better
but there's still a certain lack
I had missed these trees
and I can still see the stars
the same stars you see
they're just as bright from down here
but I see them first
and greet the dawn while you sleep
far away from me
I see the same moon you do
these now-cold midnights
we howl at it together
wishing for closeness and warmth

fire and soft kisses
I like to think you hear me
tucked safe into bed
keening out at the dark night
peppered with treetops
and pinpricks of distant light
it is a comfort
to think you are not so far
as all those bright stars

and perhaps one day
my yearning will be enough
to bring me closer
but for now we must subside
on letters and dreams
holding our magnetic hearts
